30 November 2011
Korean Pop Music Out To Conquer The World
29 November 2011
Bukti keampuhan automotif Jepun
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RAKYAT Jepun tidak pernah gagal untuk bangkit. Contoh paling klasik adalah bagaimana negara itu mampu menjadi salah sebuah kuasa ekonomi dunia, biarpun Hisroshima dan Nagasaki hampir lumat dibedil bom atom Amerika Syarikat (AS) pada Perang Dunia Kedua pada tahun 1945.
Jepun juga tidak pernah sunyi daripada berdepan bencana alam. Berada dalam lingkungan Lingkaran Api Pasifik, negara matahari terbit itu sering digegar oleh gempa bumi berskala tinggi. Kemuncaknya, 11 Mac lalu bahagian timur negara berkenaan dilanda gempa bumi dan tsunami.
Impaknya meliputi segala aspek. Loji nuklear Fukushima Daiichi musnah dibadai tsunami, sekali gus mencetus krisis nuklear dan tenaga. Selaku rumah kepada banyak syarikat pengeluar kenderaan utama dunia, bencana itu nyata mengganggu rantaian bekalan alat ganti. Akibatnya, jumlah pengilangan automobil Jepun menjunam.
Bagi wartawan pemotoran seperti saya, antara persoalan yang timbul adakah Jepun akan membatalkan acara pemotoran pentingnya iaitu Tokyo Motor Show 2011 (TMS). TMS yang merupakan acara dwitahunan biasanya dilangsungkan pada bulan Oktober.
Selepas beberapa ketika berada dalam ketidaktentuan, akhirnya penganjur acara tersebut, Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) mengesahkan bahawa TMS 2011 akan berlangsung bermula 2 hingga 11 Disember depan.
Tidak keterlaluan jika dikatakan bahawa penganjuran TMS membuktikan komitmen industri pemotoran Jepun untuk pulih. Malah, pengeluaran kenderaannya berjaya dipulihkan dalam masa yang singkat.

Pengerusi JAMA, Toshiyuki Shiga menegaskan pihaknya akan menganjurkan TMS yang sudah memasuki edisi ke-42 sebagaimana dirancang. “Kami yakin TMS akan membuktikan kepada semua tentang daya pemulihan industri perkilangan automotif Jepun,” jelas Shiga.
Tokyo Big Sight
Jika sebelum ini TMS sering diadakan di dewan pusat konvensyen Makuhari Messe, Chiba, tahun 2011 menyaksikan lokasinya diubah ke Tokyo Big Sight, Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Jepun, sekali lagi selepas 24 tahun. Ruang seluas 3,265 meter persegi itu akan menempatkan 176 pempamer dari 12 buah negara dan satu rantau.
Apa yang pasti, ia jauh lebih gah berbanding TMS 2009 yang ketika itu baru merangkak untuk bangkit daripada kemelesetan ekonomi dunia.
Harus diakui juga bahawa pertumbuhan pesat automobil di pasaran besar seperti China dan India sedikit sebanyak mengalih perhatian dunia kepada pameran sama yang diadakan di Beijing, Shanghai dan New Delhi.
Justeru, TMS 2011 yang menjadi simbol kuasa teknologi Jepun perlu bertindak selaku sumber maklumat berkaitan teknologi automobil, bandar dan pengguna. Dengan hasrat menjadi pameran automotif berteknologi termaju, TMS 2011 mengangkat tema Bandar Mobiliti Pintar atau Smart Mobility City.

Tema itu sekali gus akan mempamerkan kenderaan generasi akan datang (tahun 2040 - 2050) dan sistem-sistem sosial yang berinteraksi dengannya. Ia jua menunjukkan tentang peranan dan tanggungjawab industri automotif di sebalik kebimbangan terhadap isu tenaga serta alam sekitar di peringkat global.
Pengenalan Dunia
Jadi, apa yang boleh anda jangkakan daripada TMS 2011? Sebanyak 52 pengenalan dunia (world premiere) dan 82 penampilan pertama untuk pasaran Jepun akan mengambil tempat di sana.
Untuk tatapan anda, saya telah memilih beberapa pengeluar kenderaan utama Jepun dan apa yang mereka akan pamerkan pada TMS 2011 secara ringkas.
Honda membariskan model-model konsep yang direka untuk keseronokan dan kemudahan mobiliti. Tidak terkecuali, satu model konsep sports yang memberi petunjuk tentang arah rekabentuk model-model masa depannya.
Honda membahagikan model konsepnya kepada tiga kategori iaitu kereta yang terdiri daripada Small Sports EV Concept, AC-X dan Micro Commuter Concept. Sementara model konsep motosikal pula meliputi model Motor Compo, E-Canopy dan RC-E. bukan itu sahaja, Honda turut memperkenalkan model konsep komuter yang diberi nama Townwalker.

Pengeluar itu juga bakal memperkenalkan N Concept, siri kenderaan kecil yang memberi penekanan terhadap ruang. Produksi pertama model daripada siri itu ialah N BOX. Jentera-jentera lain yang turut dipamerkan ialah Accord, Insight, Jazz dan CR-Z.
Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. akan mengetengahkan kenderaan baharu, prototaip dan tiga kereta konsep. Antara model yang pasti mendapat perhatian ialah model konsep EV iaitu Pivo 3, Esflow dan Townpod. NV350 merupakan model prototaip van komersial ringan penuh gaya.
Toyota pula bakal memperkenalkan kepada dunia model konsep Fun-Vii (Fun Vehicle interactive internet), FCV-R (Fuel Cell Vehicle - Reality & Revolution) dan FT-EV III (Future Toyota - Electric Vehicle III).
Memberi fokus kepada untuk memenuhi keperluan pengguna kontemporari, Suzuki mempamerkan kereta-kereta kompaknya. Antara model yang boleh ditatap oleh pengunjung ialah Regina, Q-Concept dan Swift EV Hybrid.
Mitsubishi juga tidak ketinggalan untuk mempamerkan kemajuan teknologinya dalam menghasilkan kenderaan elektrik. Pengunjung akan dihidangkan dengan model konsep seperti Mitsubishi Concept PX-MiEV dan i-MiEV Cargo.
Drogba to quit Chelsea after snubbing new deal
DIDIER DROGBA is ready to walk away from Chelsea after rejecting a January move to AC Milan.
The striker, 33, is in the final season of his £120,000-a-week contract and has turned down a 12-month extension.
Now he is poised to quit Stamford Bridge as a free agent next summer for a lucrative switch to Russia or Qatar.
Drogba's agent Thierno Seydi, based in Senegal, claimed last night: "Didier has had the offer of a one-year extension from Chelsea. That does not suit us.
"We know what we want, where we want to go and what offers we have.
"AC Milan came in for Didier on loan with an option to buy but I said 'No' straight away. Their offer did not interest us.
"At Didier's age, he has nothing left to prove as a player. He will go where he is offered the most money.
"It could be the United States, Russia, Qatar or somewhere else in Asia.
"Once you are well into your thirties you have to go to a club where you can be certain you'll be able to pay your bills.
"LA Galaxy are a possibility among many others. He has been linked with Anzhi Makhachkala in Russia, as they pay well.
"But neither Didier nor I have had an offer from them."
Drogba was signed by Jose Mourinho from Marseille for £24million back in 2004 and has scored 146 goals in his seven years at Chelsea.
News of Drogba's impending departure comes as former Blues favourite Marcel Desailly claims the club is being torn apart under Andre Villas-Boas by dressing-room cliques.
The World Cup-winning Frenchman said: "There are quite a few mini-clans at the club.
"The squad is exploding and people who could hold things together in the past are having to deal with personal worries. You sense total disorganisation at Chelsea right now. It is collectively falling apart."
24 November 2011
Kenderaan baharu teroka Marikh

CAPE CANAVERAL, Amerika Syarikat (AS) - Pentadbiran Aeronautik dan Angkasa Lepas Kebangsaan (NASA) mendedahkan kenderaan baharu sebesar sebuah kereta yang akan meneroka planet Marikh.
Kenderaan itu yang diberi nama Curiosity mempunyai lengan sepanjang dua meter dan dilengkapi laser untuk memusnahkan batu di planet tersebut.
"Ini ialah mesin impian saintis Marikh," kata timbalan ketua projek saintis Marikh di NASA, Ashwin Vasavada.
Kenderaan itu bernilai AS$2.5 bilion (RM7.94 bilion) dan ia akan bergerak ke kawasan yang mempunyai organik dan karbon di Marikh pada Ogos tahun depan.
Kenderaan itu membawa seberat 4.8 kilogram plutonium yang boleh menjana kuasa selama dua tahun di Marikh.
Ia sepanjang dua meter, lebar sembilan meter dan setinggi dua meter. - Agensi
17 November 2011
Katil tempat Jackson mati tak akan dijual

LOS ANGELES, Amerika Syarikat (AS) - Katil tempat penyanyi terkenal, Michael Jackson meninggal dunia pada 25 Jun 2009 tidak akan dijual dalam satu acara lelongan pada 17 Disember depan.
Lelongan berkenaan menampilkan barang-barang dari sebuah rumah yang disewa oleh Raja Pop itu di sini.
Firma lelongan Julien menarik balik katil tersebut daripada senarai lelongan barangan dari rumah beralamat 100 N. Carolwood Drive di sini yang merupakan kediaman terakhir Jackson sebelum kematiannya.
Presiden firma berkenaan, Darren Julien menyatakan kelmarin bahawa hanya kepala katil berkenaan sepatutnya dijual dalam lelongan itu.
"Namun atas permintaan Estet Michael Jackson, kami menarik balik kepala katil ini daripada lelongan yang akan diadakan pada 17 Disember depan," kata Julien.
"Sebelum ini cuma kepala katil ini yang berada dalam senarai lelongan, bahagian-bahagian lain katil berkenaan bukan untuk dijual," tambahnya. - Agensi
2013 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
Ford has announced the launch of a record-breaking V8 engine, debuting in the Shelby GT500 this week, ahead of its Los Angeles Auto Show debut.
The new 2013 Ford Shelby GT 500 contains a 5.8-liter supercharged V8 producing 650 horsepower and 600 lb.-ft. of torque, making it (by Ford’s reckoning) the most powerful production V8 engine in the world.
The model boasts a top speed of more than 200 mph (320 km/h), helped by its 3,850-pound light weight and a six-speed manual transmission, with Ford’s high-performance SVT team individually tuning nearly every vehicle system for power.
One of the principal modifications is a larger, more efficient supercharger that helps to create the 650 hp, along with a new cooling system to relieve the 5.8-liter engine.
Ford has also fitted a launch control system to optimize launch traction depending on surface and temperature and fitted the car with Brembo brakes, with a package allowing the addition of SVT-designed Bilstein electronc adjustable dampeners.
The model will be on show, alongside its nemesis, the redesigned Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, at the Los Angeles Auto Show, which opens to the public November 18.
Yellow Sun-Drop diamond sells for $11 million
A 110-carat yellow jewel called the Sun Drop Diamond, thought the biggest of its kind in the world, sold for a record 10 million francs ($10.9 million) at auction in Geneva.
The gem was discovered in South Africa in 2010 and wowed visitors to London’s Natural History Museum where it was dispalyed earlier this year.
“It’s an absolute record for a yellow diamond,” Sotheby’s David Bennett told journalists after the sale. “It is a spectacular, unique stone.”
The sale price was slightly less than the estimations of experts who had valued the yellow diamond at between 11 and 15 million dollars.
Gemologists have certified the pear-shaped jewel as “Fancy Vivid Yellow”, the rarest and most desirable colour for a yellow diamond, Sotheby’s said.
The yellow diamond, about the size of a woman’s thumb, takes its colour from traces of nitrogen in its carbon makeup.
Following its discovery the gem was cut in New York by US diamond company Cora International and spent a number of months on public display .
“Every time we’ve shown it around the world, people have gone ‘oh my god’,” Bennett, head of jewellery for Europe and the Middle East, told AFP last week.
“It has never been owned so the buyer will be the first person to wear it,” said the expert.
14 November 2011
Beyonce dapat RM359,000 satu minit
Penyanyi Love on Top itu mengungguli satu kajian pendapat halaman web media sosial saucytime.com dengan memperoleh £1.25 juta (RM6.3 juta) bagi persembahan yang membabitkan nyanyian lima buah lagu pada satu majlis persendirian sambutan Tahun Baru 2010, yang menyamai pendapatan sebanyak £71,040 (RM359,000) bagi setiap minit persembahan beliau di pentas, lapor femalefirs.co.uk.
Ia diikuti Jennifer Lopez yang menerima bayaran hampir £25,000 (RM126,000) seminit dari seorang jutawan Russia, Andrei Meinichenko ketika muncul di majlis sambutan hari jadi isterinya pada 2007.
Sementara itu, Beyonce dikatakan terus membangkitkan tanda tanya mengenai kebenaran mengenai berita kehamilan beliau ketika muncul dalam persembahan Late Night With Jimmy Fallon.
Penyanyi berkenaan mempersembahkan single terbarunya, Countdown dalam rancangan berkenaan tetapi perutnya tidak kelihatan seperti sedang hamil.
Ketika pengacara memperkenalkan kemunculan penyanyi itu, beliau mengenakan baju singkat hitam dan langsung tidak kelihatan seperti hamil enam bulan seperti yang didakwa.
Bagaimanapun penyanyi berusia 30 tahun itu sebenarnya muncul melalui persembahan yang dirakamkan lebih awal ketika musim panas lalu.
Penonton jelas tidak menyedari bahawa Fallon menjadikan bintang Amerika Syarikat itu seperti benar-benar berada di studio berkenaan. Ketika pengacara menunjukkan album terkini penyanyi itu beliau memandang kamera sambil berkata: “Malam ini dia di sini untuk mempersembahkan lagu Countdown dari album terkininya, Four. Dipersilakan Benyonce.”
Penonton di studio kemudian bersorak dan mula memberikan tepukan kepada seseorang yang sebenarnya tidak berada di sana. – Agensi
Electric Rolls-Royce Phantom 102EX
Luxury car maler Rolls-Royce has developed its first electric-powered vehicle, that goes up to 125 miles fully charged.
The one-off Phantom 102EX has been touring the globe to gauge the reactions of Rolls-Royce owners and potential customers to a fully electric-powered car.
The 6.75-liter V-12 was replaced by a massive 71-kilowatt-hour lithium-ion battery housed within the aluminum spaceframe.
“We have engineered the world’s first battery electric vehicle for the ultra-luxury segment,” chief executive Torsten Muller-Otvos said in a statement.
“We begin an exploration into alternative drive-trains, seeking clarity on which alternative technologies may be suitable to drive Rolls-Royce cars of the future.”
The company wants to ascertain how long the car can drive between re-charges and how it operates in extreme weather conditions, but there are no plans yet to develop a production version.
“I must be convinced that any alternative drive-train we choose for the future delivers an authentic Rolls-Royce experience,” Muller-Otvos said.
“It must be a technology that is right for our customers, our brand and which sets us on a sound footing for a sustainable future.”
Penari bogel laris di Singapura

SINGAPURA – Khidmat penari bogel mendapat permintaan tinggi di Singapura walaupun aktiviti tersebut menyalahi undang-undang negara.
Sungguhpun polis mempunyai kuasa menyerbu mana-mana tempat termasuk kediaman persendirian yang disyaki menjalankan aktiviti tidak senonoh itu, ia gagal menghalang penari-penari bogel Singapura daripada mengiklankan perkhidmatan mereka.
Kebiasaannya para penari bogel di Singapura terdiri daripada pekerja kolar putih berusia dalam lingkungan 20-an.
Mereka menjadi penari eksotik selepas waktu pejabat untuk memenuhi permintaan golongan heteroseksual dan juga gay di pulau berkenaan.
Pemilik agensi hiburan tempatan 2niteok Entertainment, Bryan Tan yang menjadi penari bogel selama lapan tahun berkata, perkhidmatan tarian itu mendapat permintaan tinggi kalangan penduduk pulau berkenaan.
“Tarian bogel adalah biasa di Barat tetapi kini ia semakin digemari di Singapura,” kata Tan yang bekerja sebagai pegawai pentadbiran pada waktu siang.
Menurut laman web syarikatnya, caj untuk melanggani tarian separa bogel ialah Sg$300 (RM736) untuk persembahan selama 20 minit manakala bayaran Sg$400 (RM981) dikenakan untuk tarian bogel sepenuhnya.
Bagi penari bogel wanita pula, mereka biasanya memakai coli dan seluar dalam semasa melakukan persembahan.
“Lelaki lebih gemar melihat wanita memakai pakaian berbanding berbogel sepenuhnya,” kata seorang eksekutif wanita, Jasmine Tan, 28, yang menjadi penari bogel untuk tiga atau empat kali sebulan.
Rata-rata penari bogel di sini merahsiakan pekerjaan sampingan mereka daripada keluarga kerana budaya masyarakat Singapura yang masih konservatif. – AFP
11 November 2011
Homes with Unbelievable Garages
Here are five upscale homes with the most amazing car garages currently on the market:
780 Ashley Road, Santa Barbara, CA
Capacity: up to 32 cars
List Price: $20 million
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This garage is in a Santa Barbara, CA home for sale at $20 million. Photo: Realtor.com |
Montecito's modernistic Glass Pavilion home touts a walnut wood-lined art gallery capable of housing and displaying up to 32 autos.
5000 Royal Street, Park City, UT
Capacity: one 6-car garage, one 22-car garage
List Price: $49.5 million
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This garage is in a Park City, UT home for sale at $49.5 million. Photo: Realtor.com |
This 63 acre-compound includes a 22,000-square foot log house with 12 bedrooms, two bunk bedrooms and indoor pool as well as two garages, housing 26 cars between the two of them.
21600 Norman Shores Drive, Cornelius, NC
Capacity: one 2-car garage, one 3-car garage
List Price: $2.1 million
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This garage is in a Cornelius, NC home for sale at $2.1 million. Photo: Realtor.com/Newscom |
The lower level of this Charlotte-area waterfront house is dedicated to an auto showroom equipped with everything from a bar and lounge area to shelves for auto-related memorabilia.
14801 Goodrich Creek Lane, Baker City, OR
Capacity: 12 cars
List Price: $1.8 million
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This garage is in a Baker City, OR home for sale at $1.8 million. Photo: Realtor.com/Newscom |
This "log home" comes with a carriage house that is outfitted with a 12-car climate controlled showroom, plus a woodworking shop and 1,500-square foot guest suite.
31632 Trigo Trail, Coto De Caza, CA
Capacity: 20 cars or more
List Price: $6.5 million
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This garage is in a Coto De Caza, CA home for sale at $6.5 million. Photo: Realtor.com/Newscom |
This "car aficionado's compound" boasts 9,500 square feet of living space, grounds hosting a bocce ball court, and an 8,000-square foot auto gallery capable of displaying more than 20 cars within its picture-bedecked walls.
Lukisan dijual RM194.4 juta
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GAMBAR oleh firma lelongan Sotheby di New York menunjukkan lukisan abstrak 1949-A-No. 1. |
Lukisan yang berjudul 1949-A-No. 1, menampilkan gabungan corak abstrak berwarna putih, hitam dan merah pada kanvas. Harga anggaran lukisan tersebut ialah antara AS$25 juta (RM78.8 juta) hingga AS$35 juta (RM110.37 juta).
Rekod termahal untuk lukisan Still sebelum ini ialah AS$21.3 juta (RM67.1 juta).
Still yang dianggap pakar dalam lukisan ekspresionisme, meninggal dunia pada tahun 1980. - AFP
10 November 2011
Rihanna rangkul gelaran terseksi
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DIA bermula sebagai remaja perempuan serba sederhana, tidak pandai bergaya dan selesa mengenakan sneakers (kasut bertapak lembut) dan jean potongan baggy ketika mengadakan persembahan mahupun ketika membuat kemunculan di sebarang acara.
Nama Robyn Rihanna Fenty, 23, saat itu masih samar-samar dalam industri muzik antarabangsa, tiada jenama mewah mahu menaja pakaian penyanyi muda itu.
Selepas menandatangani kontrak rakaman bersama Def Jam Recordings milik Jay Z pada 2005, album pertama Rihanna, Music Of The Sun memberi ’amaran’ awal kepada industri muzik bahawa Rihanna yang berusia 17 tahun ketika itu perlu dipandang serius.
Anak kelahiran Barbados itu mula dikenali ramai menerusi lagu-lagu hitnya seperti Pon De Replay, S.O.S, Break It Off dan Unfaithful sekali gus memberi ruang kepadanya untuk bereksperimen dengan imej.
Tahun 2007 dilabelkan ramai orang sebagai kemuncak ‘jenama’ Rihanna. Hanya dengan satu lagu berjudul Umbrella, namanya melonjak ke serata dunia dan akhirnya dia berjaya membentuk identiti dan mengumpulkan kelompok peminat tersendiri.
Selari dengan perkembangan muziknya, begitu jugalah kebijaksanaan Rihanna dalam hal berfesyen. Dia kelihatan semakin bijak dalam berpakaian, tiada lagi jean baggy ataupun sneakers, malah sepatu tumit tinggi, dres jenama terkenal serta aksesori jutaan ringgit mula menjadi teman akrab Rihanna.
Gelaran Bintang Paling Bergaya 2007 oleh majalah Seventeen buat Rihanna memang tepat kerana dengan kelasnya tersendiri, bintang itu mampu menjadikan gaun putih rekaan George Chakra tampak elegan dalam sebuah majlis biarpun disaingi banyak rekaan sofistikated yang dipakai ramai selebriti wanita lain.
Ikon fesyen
Pengaruh Rihanna tidak hanya tertumpu dalam bidang muzik malah dia turut disebut-sebut sebagai ikon fesyen dekad ini.
“Pada permulaan karier, segalanya begitu terkawal hinggakan saya tidak boleh menggunakan gincu berwarna merah ataupun merah jambu.
“Sekatan itu amat sukar memandangkan saya mempunyai ramai peminat dalam kalangan remaja, tetapi saya hanya mahu menjadi diri sendiri dan saya selesa dengan apa saya tonjolkan hari ini,” luah Rihanna jujur kepada majalah Glamour September lalu.
Kaca mata hitam Marc Jacobs atau Louis Vuitton, but Christian Louboutin atau kasut tumit tinggi Stella McCartney, tali pinggang Gucci, cekak rambut bertatahkan kristal Swarovski dan jumpsuit Dolce & Gabbana semuanya pernah menyaluti tubuh genit Rihanna.
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TAHUN 2007 merupakan puncak kepada jenama Rihanna. |
Belum pernah mengecewakan peminatnya yang sering tertanya-tanya akan cita rasa fesyennya yang berubah-ubah, Rihanna sekali lagi mengejutkan dunia apabila dia menumpaskan Beyonce, Mila Kunis dan Emma Stone bagi merangkul gelaran Wanita Terseksi Dunia untuk majalah Esquire.
Pernah mendapat jolokan Wanita Kaki Tercantik, gelaran seksi yang diterimanya itu langsung tidak membuatkan pelantun lagu We Found Love tersebut berbangga ataupun berasa hebat.
“Setiap kali tamat membuat persembahan, saya tidak pernah fikirkan adakah saya kelihatan seksi ketika berada di atas pentas tadi.
“Perkara tentang seksi ini tidak pernah terlintas di fikiran saya dan apa yang saya pakai dan lakukan di atas pentas adalah apa yang bersesuaian dengan konsep persembahan,” jelas Rihanna kepada majalah itu.
Menurut Rihanna lagi, kejayaannya hari ini membuktikan bahawa seorang individu dari pulau kecil bernama Barbados mampu menjulang nama negara itu ke serata dunia dan dia bangga menjadi individu yang mengharumkan nama negaranya.
Evolusi rambut
Fenomena rambut Rihanna bermula pada 2007 ketika dia membuat potongan cekung menerusi teknik bob cut yang seterusnya menjadi ikutan ramai gadis-gadis yang mahu kelihatan anggun seperti penyanyi itu.
Daripada seorang gadis berambut panjang, Rihanna cukup terkenal sebagai selebriti yang sering kali menukar gaya rambutnya terutama sekali apabila melibatkan fesyen rambut pendek.
Tampil berani dengan pelbagai teknik potongan rambut pendek, Rihanna tidak gentar membenarkan pendandan rambut kegemarannya, Ursula Stephen mencipta apa jua gaya baharu asalkan ia kelihatan serasi dengan bentuk wajahnya.
Buktinya, Rihanna tampil dengan rambut panjang berwarna merah terang pada penghujung tahun lalu. Ia mungkin dianggap melampau bagi sesetengah orang namun harus diakui bahawa ia merupakan fesyen rambut yang mengagumkan.
“Keputusan menghasilkan rambut panjang berwarna merah terang itu adalah keputusan kami bersama dan saya menggunakan rambut manusia sebenar sebagai extension (penyambung) bagi menjadikan rambutnya panjang,” ujar Ursula ketika ditemu bual sebuah majalah tahun lalu.
Seakan-akan rindu dengan rambutnya yang pendek, Rihanna lantas meminta Ursula memotong rambut panjangnya itu bagi memudahkan gaya rambut lain dibentuk.
Dalam tempoh setahun dengan rambut merahnya itu, Rihanna telah 13 kali menukar gaya rambutnya dengan gaya kerinting bergulung-gulung, lurus dan lain-lain.
Intim dengan nama timangan Riri, bekas teman wanita Chris Brown itu dikatakan membelanjakan hampir AS$23,000 (RM71,600) seminggu bagi mendapatkan khidmat Ursula.
Basikal sperma curi perhatian

SEATTLE, Amerika Syarikat (AS) - Orang ramai tersenyum, ketawa malah ada yang merah padam melihat sejenis basikal baharu yang ditunggang oleh seorang lelaki di sini.
Kenderaan dua roda sepanjang hampir 3 meter itu menyerupai sperma gergasi dan direka khas bagi mengangkut sampel sperma.
"Ketika kali pertama melihatnya, saya tidak pasti kenderaan apakah ini. Sebaik sahaja menyedarinya, saya tergelak besar," kata seorang wanita, Kim Garvelle.
Basikal milik Bank Sperma Seattle itu memiliki rekaan unik bagi menggalakkan kaum lelaki supaya mendermakan sperma mereka.
Menurut seorang kakitangan bank berkenaan, Alan Dowden, misi basikal berkenaan adalah untuk mengangkut sampel dari Makmal Sperma Seattle ke pusat reproduktif dan klinik kesuburan di kawasan sekitarnya.
Kargo penting itu diangkut dan disimpan di dalam tangki berbentuk sperma yang berisi nitrogen cecair di hadapan basikal berkenaan.
Pihak Bank Sperma Seattle menyatakan ia membayar AS$60 (RM186.75) untuk setiap sampel sperma yang baik.
- Agensi
09 November 2011
03 November 2011
Who Are Asia’s Richest Families?
10. Wang Family
Country: Taiwan
Business: Formosa Plastics Group
Estimated net worth: $8.6 billion
The Wang family are founders of Formosa Plastics Group, one of the world's largest plastic manufacturers and Taiwan's biggest diversified company. The firm is also one of the major petrochemical producers in Asia and controls more than 100 companies including hospitals and schools.
Brothers Yung-ching (pictured) and Yung-tsai Wang founded the group in 1958. Rising from modest roots with Yung-ching only having an elementary school education, the brothers turned the company into one Asia's biggest industry groups, with four major publicly listed units — Formosa Petrochemical, Formosa Plastics, Nan Ya Plastics and Formosa Chemicals & Fibre. Both brothers retired from their official posts in 2006 and passed on the reins for the group to a committee, which includes Yung-ching's daughter Cher Wang and Yung-tsai's son Wen Yuang Wang. Founder Wang Yung-ching died in 2008 at the age of 91 with an estimated fortune of $5.5 billion, according to Forbes. The business tycoon is survived by his three wives and 10 children.
Cher Wang, 53, the daughter of Yung-ching, has come closest out of all siblings in matching her father's success. Her smartphone company HTC had revenues of $9.8 billion in 2010. Cher and her husband Wen Chi Chen are ranked the richest people in Taiwan by Forbes, with an estimated net worth of $8.8 billion this year.
9. Ng Family
Country: Singapore
Business: Far East Organization, Sino Group
Estimated net worth: $8.9 billion
The Ng family owns Singapore's largest private property development firm Far East Organization and Hong Kong-based sister company Sino Group. Together, the firms are one of Asia's largest real estate groups with annual revenue of $4.3 billion.
The companies were founded by Ng Teng Fong, who died from a brain hemorrhage in 2010 at the age of 82. Ng was well known for his frugal lifestyle, living in the same home for 30 years even as his wealth grew. After his death, Ng's older son Robert (pictured), 59, took over the reins at Sino Group, while younger son Philip heads the Far East Organization. The firm's presence in Singapore is renowned, with ownership of historical landmarks like the Fullerton Hotel along with 700 other properties. A big chunk of the family's fortune also comes from its five publicly-listed subsidiaries.
In July, reports surfaced that the Far East Organization planned to raise at least $410 million by listing some of its hotel and serviced residence assets in a real estate investment trust (REIT) next year. Singapore's REIT market is the third-largest in the world after Japan and Australia.
8. Hartono Family
Country: Indonesia
Business: Djarum Group
Estimated net worth: $11 billion
The Hartono family is the richest family in Indonesia and owners of one of the world's biggest clove-flavored cigarette makers — Djarum Group. The group also has a majority stake in one of the country's biggest banks — Bank Central Asia, from which the family gets the bulk of their fortune.
Brothers Robert Budi Hartono and Michael Bambang Hartono inherited their wealth from their Chinese father Oei Wie Gwan, who founded Djarum in 1951. After his death in 1963, the brothers took over the business, invested in research and development, and began exporting cigarettes almost 10 years later. The company's tobacco products accounted for 97 percent of the U.S. clove cigarette market in 2009, before the Obama administration banned the sale of flavored cigarettes other than menthol, because critics claimed they appealed to teenagers.
Robert Budi Hartono's son Armand Wahyudi (pictured) is also involved in the family business and has been the director of Bank Central Asia since 2009. With the recent market volatility, the Hartono family's wealth has also shrunk. In the two weeks to Oct. 5, Robert Budi saw his wealth drop by 8 percent to $10.5 billion, according to newspaper reports in Indonesia.
7. Lee Kun Hee & family
Country: South Korea
Business: Samsung Group
Estimated net worth: $11.6 billion
Lee Kun Hee (pictured) is the chairman of Samsung Electronics, the flagship company of the Samsung Group, South Korea's biggest business conglomerate with nearly 70 affiliates. The group accounts for about one fifth of the country's GDP.
The Samsung Group was founded by Lee Kun Hee's father Lee Byung Chull in 1938. Kun Hee, the third son, became chairman of the firm after his father's death in 1987. He's been credited with turning the company into a major global player in the technology industry. Samsung Electronics is now the world's biggest chipmaker, the second biggest smartphone maker after Apple, and competes with Hewlett Packard for the title of the world's largest technology firm by revenue. Other family members in the business include Kun Hee's only son and heir apparent, Jay Y. Lee, who is president of Samsung Electronics, and daughter Lee Boo Jin, who is the senior vice president of the group's luxury hotel chain — Shilla Hotels and Resorts.
But as head of the group, Lee Kun Hee has also faced a string of controversies in recent years. The 69-year-old was convicted of tax evasion and breach of trust in 2008 and given a three-year prison sentence, but was later pardoned by the country's President in 2009. During that period he stepped away from the company for two years and returned in 2010.
6. Kuok Family
Country: Malaysia, Singapore
Business: Kuok Group
Estimated net worth: $16.1 billion
The Kuok family is the richest family in Southeast Asia, and owners of the Kuok Group — one of Asia's most diversified firms with interests in agriculture, real estate, and financial services, to name a few.
The Malaysian group was founded in 1949 by the three Kuok brothers, the youngest of whom is Robert Kuok (pictured), now 88. Starting out in agricultural trading, the group expanded to Singapore in 1952, and then went on to open operations in Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong and China. Robert's son Khoon Chen, 57, is the executive director of Kuok Group and its subsidiary Kerry Properties, Hong Kong's largest property development firm. His younger son Khoon Ean, 56, is the chairman of hotel chain Shangri-La Asia. However, the family's biggest source of wealth comes from its majority stake in Wilmar International, the world's largest publicly-listed palm oil company. Robert's 61-year-old nephew Khoon Hong is the chairman of Wilmar International.
The palm oil giant has recently recovered after two quarters of poor results in the second half of last year, during which it posted pre-tax losses of more than $200 million from its oil seeds and grains business. The company reported a 56 percent increase in revenue in the three months ending June to $10.6 billion, compared to a year ago.
5. Sunil Mittal & Family
Country: India
Business: Bharti Group
Estimated net worth: $16.5 billion
Sunil Bharti Mittal is the founder of the Bharti Group, and chairman of flagship firm Bharti Airtel, India's largest mobile phone provider. It's also the world's fifth-largest telecom with over 200 million customers.
Mittal (pictured) founded the group in 1976, at the age of 18, as a bicycle parts manufacturer with less than $500 from his father. The 54-year-old tycoon went on to establish Bharti Telecom, the first company in India to introduce push-button telephones in the 1980s and fax machines and cordless phones a decade later. The group now has interests in retail, financial services and manufacturing, with operations in 19 countries. Brothers Rakesh and Rajan Mittal (pictured) are also involved in the family business as heads of the retail and agriculture operations.
Sunil Mittal's twin sons Kavin and Shravin, 25, have also recently made news by joining the family business. Kavin will head a joint venture with Japanese telecom giant Softbank to develop social media, gaming, and e-commerce businesses in an effort accelerate the spread of mobile internet in India. The country is home to the world's second-biggest mobile phone market with nearly 866 million subscribers.
4. Kwok Family
Country: Hong Kong
Business: Sun Hung Kai Properties
Estimated net worth: $22 billion
The Kwok family are the founders of Sun Hung Kai (SHK) Properties — Asia's largest property developer by market value.
The company was founded in 1963 by mainland Chinese businessman Tak Seng Kwok, and partners Fung King Hey and Lee Shau Kee. It was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1972 and soon became one of the top firms on the benchmark by market cap. The firm's market cap now stands at $34.25 billion. Tak Seng died in 1990, leaving the reins of the family business to his wife, Kwong Siu-hing, and their three sons, Raymond (pictured left), Thomas (pictured), and Walter Kwok. The company has continued to do well because of Hong Kong's and China's red-hot property markets. Last month, the group posted a 55 percent rise in underlying profit to $2.75 billion for the year ended June. The group completed construction of Hong Kong's tallest building in 2010 — the International Commerce Center — marking another milestone for the company.
The family has also made headlines with a bitter feud and court battle, which led the eldest son Walter, 66, to step down as chairman of the firm he worked at for 33 years in 2008. His mother Kwong Siu Hing, who is the controlling shareholder of the group, took over the leading role, with younger brothers Thomas and Raymond managing operations.
3. Lakshmi Narayan Mittal & Family
Country: Non-resident Indian
Business: ArcelorMittal
Estimated net worth: $28 billion
Lakshmi Narayan Mittal is the founder of ArcelorMittal — the world's biggest steel-producing company. Mittal is also considered the sixth-richest man in the world, according to Forbes magazine.
The steel tycoon, 61, founded the company in 1989 as Mittal Steel, parting ways from his India-based family business to venture out on his own. The firm went on to merge with Arcelor in 2006 to form its current conglomerate, based in Luxembourg. Mittal (pictured - left) is the chairman and CEO of the group and owns 40 percent of its shares. Other family members involved in the business include his son and heir apparent Aditya, who is the CFO, while daughter Vanisha (pictured - right) is one of 11 board members.
Vanisha's 2004 wedding to Amit Bhatia (pictured - right) made headlines for its extravagance and is considered the third most expensive wedding in modern times, costing a whopping $60 million. The wedding took place at France's Versailles Palace and the senior Mittal reportedly paid for 1,000 guests to stay one week at five-star hotels in Paris.
The family is continuing to expand globally. ArcelorMittal recently joined forces with U.S. coal giant Peabody to buy a nearly 60 percent stake in the world's biggest coking coal producer Macarthur Coal for $5 billion.
2. Li Ka-shing & Family
Country: Hong Kong
Businesses: Cheung Kong, PCCW, Hutchison Whampoa
Estimated net worth: $32 billion
Li Ka-shing is considered one of the most powerful business figures in Asia, and his companies have a total market cap of $92 billion (HKD 710 billion) on the Hong Kong stock exchange.
Starting from humble beginnings, the Chinese business magnate quit school at age 12 and fled from mainland China to Hong Kong with his family in 1928. After working at a plastics company, Ka-shing (pictured - right) started his own plastic manufacturing business at age 22, which is now Cheung Kong Industries — one of Hong Kong's leading real estate investment firms. The business was publicly listed in 1972 and continued to expand, acquiring Hutchison Whampoa and Hong Kong Electric, to name a few. Ka-shing's business is now so diversified that it includes everything from shipping and telecommunications to biotechnology, and operates companies in China, the U.K., and Australia. His two sons, Victor Tzar Kuoi (pictured), 47, and Richard Tzar Kai Li, 44, are leading businessmen in their own right. Victor heads Cheung Kong, Hutichson Whampoa, and KC Life Sciences and is seen as the heir-apparent, while Richard is the chairman of telecommunications firm PCCW.
Eighty-three-year-old Ka-shing's reputation for savvy business deals has earned him the nickname "superman" by local media. In August, the tycoon made headlines by announcing the biggest takeover of a British listed company this year. He agreed to buy utility Northumbrian Water Group for $3.8 billion.
1. Ambani Family
Country: India
Business: Reliance Industries & Reliance Group
Estimated net worth: $37.6 billion
The Ambanis are the richest family in the Asia-Pacific region, and founders of Reliance Industries — India's largest publicly traded company by market cap, at $55.6 billion.
The company was founded by Dhirubhai Hirachand Ambani in 1966 as a textile business and has since grown to have interests in petrochemicals, communications and power. Dhirubhai's tale of humble beginnings from a worker to a business tycoon lifted him to icon status in India. Reliance Industries went public in 1977, selling shares to the public. The company's annual meetings were held in stadiums to accommodate the masses. Following Dhirubhai's death in 2002, his sons Mukesh (pictured - right) and Anil Ambani (pictured) took over the family business, but a feud between the brothers led the group to be divided in 2006. Older brother Mukesh, 54, took over Reliance Industries, which accounts for the group's oil assets, while Anil, 52, is the chairman of Reliance Group, which has interests in telecom, power, and healthcare, to name a few sectors.
No stranger to controversy, the Ambani family made headlines over the past decade for official investigations into its business practices and allegations of corruption. Last month, reports surfaced that federal authorities were examining Anil Ambani's role in an alleged multi-billion-dollar telecom licensing scandal. Mukesh Ambani, meanwhile, has garnered global attention by building the most expensive home in the world, in Mumbai, at a cost of about $1 billion.
01 November 2011
Dapat RM3.06 juta menang siri tunggang lembu jantan

LAS VEGAS, Amerika Syarikat - Pemuda berusia 23 tahun dari Brazil, Silvano Alves memperoleh hadiah wang tunai AS$1 juta (RM3.06 juta) selepas menjadi juara menunggang lembu jantan dunia di Las Vegas kelmarin.
Dia merupakan peserta keempat dari Brazil memenangi gelaran dunia itu dalam tempoh enam tahun berdasarkan kutipan mata dan persembahan dalam musim penunggang lembu jantan profesional.
"Saya sebenarnya tak dapat berkata-kata. Saya amat gembira dengan keputusan. Ini adalah satu mimpi bagi setiap penunggang lembu jantan," katanya.
Alves memenangi gelaran dunia itu walaupun dia hanya menduduki tempat ketiga dalam siri terakhir pertandingan penunggang lembu jantan profesional yang diadakan di sini kelmarin.
Dalam pertandingan itu, Robson Palermo juga dari Brazil menduduki tempat pertama dan membolot hadiah wang tunai AS$250,000 (RM767,374). - Agensi
Puss in Boots atasi filem Paranormal Activity 3

LOS ANGELES - Filem animasi, Puss in Boots mendahului tayangan filem seram, Paranormal Activity 3 untuk berada di tangga teratas buat pertama kali dalam senarai kutipan box-office di Amerika Utara pada hujung minggu lalu.
Filem yang menggunakan suara aktor Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Zach Galifianakis, dan Billy Bob Thornton itu mendapat kutipan tiket AS$34 juta (RM104juta), lapor pemantau industri hiburan Exhibitor Relations.
Filem Paranormal Activity 3 pula berada di tangga kedua dengan mengutip sebanyak AS$18.53 juta (RM56.9 juta).
Ia dikuti filem sains fiksyen, In Time lakonan Justin Timberlake dan Amanda Seyfried dengan kutipan AS$12 juta (RM36.8juta).
Versi baharu filem tarian 80-an, Footloose jatuh ke kedudukan keempat dengan kutipan AS$5.4 juta (RM16.5 juta). - AFP