Bull sinks horn into bullfighter's leg

Impaled ... wounded bullfighter is carried away
The animal turned the tables on Luis Garcia in grisly fashion, during an
Easter Sunday bout in Seville, southern Spain.
When the fighter lost his footing, the bull pounced - sinking its horn into the back of his leg.
It struck two more times, while Garcia lay covering his head.
He was eventually rescued before the angry bull could do more damage - and whisked off to hospital, to be treated for 10-inch deep wounds to his calf and thigh.
But Garcia got off lightly compared to his opponent.
As tradition dictates, the animal was killed by a matador at the end of the event.
When the fighter lost his footing, the bull pounced - sinking its horn into the back of his leg.
It struck two more times, while Garcia lay covering his head.
He was eventually rescued before the angry bull could do more damage - and whisked off to hospital, to be treated for 10-inch deep wounds to his calf and thigh.
But Garcia got off lightly compared to his opponent.
As tradition dictates, the animal was killed by a matador at the end of the event.