07 Jun 2012

Akhlak berinteraksi dengan bukan Islam

ISLAM adalah agama yang membawa rahmat kepada seluruh alam. Kebaikan daripada amalan Islam merentasi keturunan, jantina, pangkat dan bangsa. Allah SWT berfirman: Tidaklah Kami mengutuskan engkau (wahai Muhammad) melainkan sebagai rahmat bagi sekalian alam. (al-Anbiya': 107)

Apabila ajaran Islam diamalkan, kebaikannya akan dapat dirasai oleh orang Islam dan bukan Islam. Islam mengiktiraf hak orang bukan Islam yang bekerjasama dan berada di bawah pemerintahan orang Islam.

Orang bukan Islam yang dijaga haknya oleh Islam disebut sebagai kafir zimmi. Zimmi secara umumnya merujuk kepada orang-orang bukan Islam yang berada di bawah pemerintahan orang Islam dan memberikan taat setia kepada pemerintahan Islam, walaupun mereka tetap dengan agama mereka.

Kebebasan yang diberikan oleh kerajaan Islam untuk mereka menganut agama masing-masing tanpa dipaksa memeluk Islam. Mereka bebas beramal dengan anutan selagi mana tidak mengganggu amalan Islam.

Kebebasan beragama

Kebebasan beragama tanpa paksaan ini dapat dilihat dari peristiwa yang berlaku kepada Umar bin Al-Khattab ketika seorang perempuan musyrik datang menemui beliau untuk meminta pertolongan.

Lalu Umar menyerunya untuk memeluk agama Islam. Tetapi perempuan tersebut menolaknya. Kemudian, Umar memberikan pertolongan kepada perempuan tersebut dan menunaikan hajatnya.

Akan tetapi, beliau merasa bimbang kalau-kalau sikapnya itu boleh dianggap sebagai paksaan kepada perempuan tersebut.

Maka Umar beristighfar atas perbuatannya dan berkata: "Ya Allah, aku telah membimbingnya dan bukan memaksanya."

Beliau lantas membaca sepotong ayat al-Quran yang bermaksud: Tidak ada paksaan dalam agama. (al-Baqarah: 256)

Justeru, kita tidak boleh memaksa orang yang bukan Islam untuk memeluk agama Islam. Bahkan, Islam juga meletakkan kesamarataan kepada orang yang bukan Islam dalam persoalan hak dan tanggungjawab.

Pemerintahan dan masyarakat Islam perlu menjaga hak dan kehormatan mereka sebagaimana mereka juga perlu menjaga hak dan kehormatan masyarakat Islam.

Ini kerana, masyarakat Islam dan bukan Islam berkongsi aspek kemanusiaan yang menjamin hak masing-masing.

Larangan berbuat zalim

Nabi SAW melarang kita menganiayai orang bukan Islam dan berbuat zalim kepada mereka.

Baginda bersabda: "Sesiapa yang menyakiti ahli zimmah (orang kafir zimmi), maka aku (Nabi SAW akan menjadi pembelanya. Dan sesiapa yang memusuhi ahli zimmah, maka aku akan memusuhinya." (riwayat At-Tabrani)

Oleh itu, harta orang bukan Islam perlu dipertahankan sebagaimana kita mempertahankan harta orang Islam.

Orang Islam dilarang mencuri, merompak dan merosakkan harta orang bukan Islam. Demikian juga, orang Islam tidak dibenarkan sama sekali menipu ketika menjual barangan mereka kepada orang bukan Islam.

Jangan disebabkan berlainan agama menghalalkan segala penganiayaan dan kezaliman. Orang Islam juga wajib mempertahankan maruah orang bukan Islam sekiranya ia diancam.

Oleh itu, orang Islam tidak wajar sama sekali mendedahkan aib, memfitnah dan mencerca orang yang bukan Islam. Orang Islam dan orang bukan Islam tidak dilarang sama sekali untuk bekerjasama dan saling bantu-membantu selagi mana menghormati hak masing-masing.

Rasulullah SAW mengajar umat Islam supaya menghormati ajaran agama-agama lain walaupun mereka tidak mengakui akan kebenaran agama tersebut.

Hormati perayaan

Suatu ketika, Rasulullah SAW berdiri dengan penuh hormat apabila melihat jenazah seorang Yahudi di bawa di hadapan Baginda.

Para sahabat berkata: "Wahai Rasulullah, itu adalah jenazah orang Yahudi. Baginda lantas menjawab, Bukankah dia juga seorang manusia? (riwayat Bukhari)

Masyarakat Islam juga menghormati perayaan-perayaan yang disambut oleh masyarakat bukan Islam. Bahkan, mereka berhak untuk diberikan cuti bagi menyambut perayaan dalam agama mereka.

Pada zaman Nabi SAW, baginda tidak memanggil orang bukan Islam untuk perbicaraan pada hari perayaan mereka.

Nabi SAW bersabda: "Dan bagi kamu wahai sekalian Yahudi memiliki hari khusus, bahawa kamu tidak akan diganggu pada hari Sabtu." (riwayat Tirmidzi)

Demikianlah beberapa hak masyarakat bukan Islam yang perlu ditunaikan demi menjaga keharmonian hidup dalam masyarakat majmuk.

Ini membuktikan bahawa Islam tidak pernah melarang kita untuk memberikan pertolongan, bantuan dan bertolak-ansur terhadap masyarakat bukan Islam.

Islam mengutamakan kasih-sayang dan perdamaian daripada permusuhan dan peperangan.

Oleh itu, marilah kita menjaga hubungan perdamaian ini dengan mewujudkan suasana hidup yang dihiasi perasaan hormat-menghormati dan sayang-menyayangi antara satu sama lain, walaupun hidup dalam masyarakat yang mempunyai pelbagai latar belakang agama.

Bacaan al-Quran terbaik

Kehadiran Syeikh Abdurrahman Sudais (kiri) ke Malaysia pada tahun lalu mengundang minat umat Islam negara ini untuk melihat sendiri gerangan insan yang bersuara merdu dan tilawah Qurannya yang begitu syahdu.

SATU ketika, saya berbual dengan seorang rakan yang arif dalam bab fikah dan amat berminat dengan dunia al-Quran. Saya selalu menjadikan dia rujukan untuk menyelesai permasalahan fikah dan sebaliknya, dia selalu bertanya kepada saya tentang qiraat, tajwid dan al-Quran.

Antara soalan yang ditanya ialah siapakah qari yang terbaik bacaannya? Adakah Syeikh Mahmud Khalil al-Husari, Syeikh Abdul Basit, Syeikh Jibril?

Soalan itu bersifat umum dan jawapannya boleh diberi dalam pelbagai bentuk. Jika dibuat sorotan kepada zaman Rasulullah SAW, baginda sendiri mempunyai suara yang amat baik.

Al-Bara' Ibnu Azib meriwayatkan dalam satu perjalanan, Rasulullah SAW bersembahyang Isyak dan membaca dalam satu rakaatnya surah al-Tin. Al-Bara menyatakan: "Tidak pernah aku mendengar seorang pun mempunyai suara dan bacaan yang lebih baik daripada baginda." Kehebatan suara Rasulullah SAW tidak boleh dibanding dengan kelunakan suara yang wujud pada masa ini. Alunan suaranya menyusuk kalbu dan boleh menarik seseorang kepada Islam.

Perkara itu berlaku kepada Jubair Ibnu Mut'im. Kisah beliau memeluk Islam ialah kerana mendengar bacaan Rasulullah SAW.

Semasa Jubair sampai di Madinah untuk urusan tertentu, ketika itu Rasulullah SAW sedang bersembahyang Maghrib dan baginda membaca surah al-Tur.

Kemerduan suara Rasulullah membuatkan Jubair mengikuti dengan penuh minat bacaan tersebut. Apabila sampai kepada ayat 35 yang bermaksud: Apakah mereka dicipta tanpa tujuan atau mereka yang mencipta diri mereka sendiri?

Bacaan yang amat baik, diadun dengan suara yang merdu, dibaca dengan kefahaman mendalam maksudnya, dibaca dengan hati yang tulus telah menerjah masuk ke dalam sanubari Jubair sehingga beliau menyatakan demi Allah hatiku melayang. Sejurus Rasulullah SAW memberi salam, Jubair mendapatkan baginda dan mengucap dua kalimah syahadah.

Jabir meriwayatkan satu hadis daripada Rasulullah SAW di mana pernah satu ketika baginda ditanya tentang siapakah yang terbaik suaranya membaca al-Quran. Baginda menjawab: "Mereka ialah orang yang apabila kamu mendengar bacaannya, kamu memikirkan ia takut kepada Allah."

Scientists unveil 20 new species ... including a giant blue scorpion and massive hairy spider

For 20 years, field scientists working with Conversation International have been exploring some of the world’s most abundant, mysterious and threatened tropical ecosystems.

To date, they have discovered more than 1,300 species new to science - although so far only 500 or so have been formally described by taxonomists, in terms of classification and naming.

And now, to celebrate their 20 years of cataloguing, the group has released 20 of their favourite finds.

While some - like the fish that flashes a beautiful array of colours when it is in love - make a great sight, others are more than likely to quiver, such as the giant blue scorpion, or the ants which hook on to each other with sharp barbs when threatened.

And arachnophobes - take a deep breath, because this is what is thought to be the largest tarantula known to exist - oh, and it eats lizards.

Brave scientists: To discover a species such as the goliath bird-eating spider is one thing - to put your hand next to it is quite another

Brave scientists: To discover a species such as the goliath bird-eating spider is one thing - to put your hand next to it is quite another

Sends a shiver: This is the largest (by mass) spider in the world, reaching the weight of 170g and a leg span of 30cm

Sends a shiver: This is the largest (by mass) spider in the world, reaching the weight of 170g and a leg span of 30cm

The giant spider is the Goliath bird eating spider (theraphosa blondi) and is the largest (by mass) spider in the world, reaching the weight of 170g and leg span of 30cm.

It was observed by Conservation International's Rapid Assessment Program scientists in Guyana in 2006, where it lives in burrows on the floor of lowland rainforests.

Despite the name, it feeds primarily on invertebrates - but have been observed eating small mammals, lizards and even venomous snakes.

They have venom fangs, which are not deadly to humans, but their main line of defense are hairs that cover their entire body – when threatened their rub their legs agains the abdomen and send a cloud of microscopic barbs that lodge in the skin and mucus membranes of the attacker, causing pain and long-lasting irritation.

The Emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator): With an eight-inches-long body, this is one of the largest scorpions in the world (a species from India is reputedly slightly longer)

The Emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator): With an eight-inches-long body, this is one of the largest scorpions in the world (a species from India is reputedly slightly longer)

Poised in attack mode - but maybe this scorpion is here to help, as his pigment may help combat cataracts

Poised in attack mode - but maybe this scorpion is here to help, as his pigment may help combat cataracts

Meanwhile the emperor scorpion (pandinus imperator) has an eight-inches-long body, this is one of the largest scorpions in the world - a species from India is reputedly slightly longer.

Observed by scientists in Atewa, Ghana in 2006. Despite their enormous size they feed primarily on termites and other small invertebrates, and its venom is not particularly harmful to humans.

The venom of this species contains compounds that are being tested as potential drugs to control arrhythmia (a heart disease) and the blue fluorescent betacarbolines that cover its body (visible only in ultraviolet light) are studied in order to understand degeneration of proteins in human eye lenses, which leads to cataract blindness.

Not new to science, but observed by the RAP team, is the fish-hook ant. Scientists, as well as mammal and bird predators, think twice before messing with this large (1.5 cm) ant in the forests of Cambodia - their curved spines can easily slice through skin and tend to hold on for a while.

These ants live in large numbers in nests in dead tree trunks on the forest floor, and when attacked they swarm out and hook onto each other, making extracting an individual ant by a predator difficult.

The hooking together behavior is inadvertent - they do not seek each other to hook together - but nevertheless quite effective as a defense mechanism.

Ants play an important ecological role as scavengers - they are often some of the first organisms to feed on dead insects and animals, which help to recycle organic material back into the ecosystem and to keep dead animals from piling up.

A fish-hook ant spotted in Cambodia in 2007: These ants live in large numbers in nests in dead tree trunks - their curved spines can easily slice through skin and tend to hold on for a while

A fish-hook ant spotted in Cambodia in 2007: These ants live in large numbers in nests in dead tree trunks - their curved spines can easily slice through skin and tend to hold on for a while

When attacked they swarm out and hook onto each other, making extracting an individual ant by a predator difficult

When attacked the ants swarm out and hook onto each other, making extracting an individual ant by a predator difficult

The RAP project's achievements are highlighted in the new book 'Still Counting…' edited by Leeanne Alonso, Director of CI's Rapid Assessment Program in collaboration with other leading scientists.

Part memoir, part historical report, part methodology guide, 'Still Counting…' revisits RAP expeditions to some of the most remote and least known areas on the planet, recounting the physical challenges and personal highlights experienced by its scientists and features more than 400 amazing color photographs of rare and exciting species from around the globe.

'It's been an amazing adventure,' said Alonso, who has coordinated and led surveys for the past 13 years.

'Despite the pressures we put on nature, it continues to mystify, inspire and teach us with a wealth of hidden treasures and ecosystem services that people rely on, and that we're still only beginning to understand.'

To mark the twenty years, CI has designated the Top 20 'RAP stars' of the program's history. Species include some of the most biologically surprising, unique, or threatened discoveries of the teams' surveys, and include poster species that have captured the public's and media's imagination with popular nicknames like the 'Pinocchio frog'.

Launched in 1990, the idea behind the creation of CI's Rapid Assessment Program was to build a team of the best field biologists from different disciplines, and create what CI founder, CEO, and Chairman Peter Seligmann described in the foreword to the book as 'An ecological SWAT team that could accurately assess the health of an ecosystem in a fraction of the time it would normally take'.

Among the program's achievements, are the completion of 80 surveys in 27 countries, including 51 terrestrial RAPs, 15 MarineRAPs and 13 freshwater AquaRAPs.

The next animal on the list is the strumigenys tigris ant, which lives in the leaf litter of rainforests of Papua New Guinea.

This tiny ant, about 2 mm long, walks around with its mandibles held wide open so that it can capture small invertebrates with a lightning fast snap.

Its colour pattern may help it blend into the rotting sticks in which it lives. Predaceous ants such as these help to keep populations of small organisms in balance.

This tiny ant (about 2 mm long) walks around with its mandibles held wide open so that it can capture small invertebrates with a lightning fast snap

This tiny ant (about 2 mm long) walks around with its mandibles held wide open so that it can capture small invertebrates with a lightning fast snap

The ant, carrying a larvae, blends in with its surroundings

The ant, carrying a larvae, blends in with its surroundings

Nyctimystes is a large tree frog, approximately 15cm long, with enormous eyes was found next to a clear running mountain river during an expedition to Papua New Guinea’s highlands wilderness in 2008.

It belongs to a group of frogs with an unusual vein-like pattern on the eyelid and its tadpoles have enormous sucker-like mouths that allow them to graze on exposed rocks in torrential stream environments.

The abundance and diversity of amphibians are indicators of an ecosystem's general health. Amphibians are often referred to as 'the canary in the coal mine', as they have permeable skin meaning that they all too easily absorb toxins or pollutants to which they are exposed, making them some of the first species to disappear from ecosystems declining in health.

Their disappearance can be used as an early warning sign that something bad is happening to a given environment - including environments humans inhabit.

A large tree frog, approximately six inches/15 cm, with enormous eyes was found next to a clear running mountain river in Papua New Guinea

A large tree frog, approximately six inches/15 cm, with enormous eyes was found next to a clear running mountain river in Papua New Guinea

Uroplatus phantasticus, is 'the satanic leaf-tailed gecko', observed in Madagascar in 1998 - the species was first described in 1888.

The gecko is the smallest of 12 species of bizarre looking Leaf-tailed geckos and are nocturnal, with extremely cryptic camouflage.

They are only found in primary, undisturbed forests, so their populations are very sensitive to habitat destruction. Large uroplatus species have more teeth than any other living terrestrial vertebrate species.

In 2004, WWF listed all of the uroplatus species on their 'Top ten most wanted species list' of animals threatened by illegal wildlife trade, because of it 'being captured and sold at alarming rates for the international pet trade'.

The satanic leaf-tailed gecko was observed in the Mantadia-Zahamena corridor of Madagascar in 1998
The satanic leaf-tailed gecko was observed in the Mantadia-Zahamena corridor of Madagascar in 1998

The satanic leaf-tailed gecko was observed in the Mantadia-Zahamena corridor of Madagascar in 1998: They are usually nocturnal animals - and very sensitive to landscape changes

The tube-nosed fruit bat nyctimene, from the Muller Range mountains does not yet have a name but has been found in other parts of New Guinea. It is likely restricted to hill forests on the island. Fruit bats are important seed dispersers in tropical forests.

What a hoot: The tube-nosed fruit bat is likely restricted to hill forests on the island of New Guinea. Fruit bats are important seed dispersers in tropical forests.

What a hoot: The tube-nosed fruit bat is likely restricted to hill forests on the island of New Guinea. Fruit bats are important seed dispersers in tropical forests.

This genus of salamanders has fully webbed feet which help them climb high into the canopy of tropical forests; they also have no lungs and breathe instead through their skin

This genus of salamanders has fully webbed feet which help them climb high into the canopy of tropical forests; they also have no lungs and breathe instead through their skin

The walking shark (hemiscyllium galei), found in Cenderawasih Bay, Indonesia in 2006, can swim, despite the name.

However, it prefers to walk along the shallow reef flats on its fins, preying on shrimp, crabs, snails, and small fish. They emerge above the reef, show off their grandeur with lateral displays and just as quickly dive back into their coral lairs.

The chinchilla tree rat was discovered in the Vilcabamba mountain range, very close to the world famous ruins of Macchu Picchu.

It is pale grey in color, possesses a stocky build, has large claws, and is characterised by a white stripe along its head.

It is related to the chinchilla rats which are known to have been buried alongside the Incan people in their tombs.

The fact that this is a new genus (i.e. a group of individuals that have similar characteristics) made the discovery even more exciting for the team, as it suggests there could be many more similar species just waiting to be uncovered.

Don't be fooled by its name, this shark can swim! However, it prefers to walk along the shallow reef flats on its fins, preying on shrimp, crabs, snails, and small fish

Don't be fooled by its name, this shark can swim! However, it prefers to walk along the shallow reef flats on its fins, preying on shrimp, crabs, snails, and small fish

The chinchilla tree rat was discovered in the Vilcabamba mountain range, very close to the world famous ruins of Macchu Picchu
The chinchilla tree rat was discovered in the Vilcabamba mountain range, very close to the world famous ruins of Macchu Picchu

The chinchilla tree rat was discovered in the Vilcabamba mountain range, very close to the world famous ruins of Macchu Picchu

The peacock katydid (Pterochroza ocellata) observed on an expedition to Guyana's Acarai Mountains in 2006.

It is a large rainforest insect that employs two effective strategies to protect itself from predators: at a casual glance it looks just like a dead, partially damaged leaf, but if threatened is suddenly reveals a pair of bright eye spots and starts jumping excitedly, which gives the impression of a giant head of a bird suddenly pecking at the attacker.

Males of this species produce very loud but almost entirely ultrasonic and thus inaudible to humans courtship call.

Peacock katydids are found across the Guiana Shield in lowland, undisturbed rainforests. While not currently threatened, their survival is closely tied to the survival of their habitat.

The RAP katydid (brachyamytta rapidoaestima) – discovered in Ghana and Guinea is a newly discovered species and a sit-and-wait predator, hiding on the underside of leaves, and attacking small insects that make the mistake of landing on the leaf.

Males communicate with the females by producing ultrasonic songs that are inaudible to humans.

It was named after the RAP program because it was first discovered during a survey in 2002 and it lives in the most threatened habitats of West Africa that the RAP program is trying to save.

At a casual glance it looks just like a dead, partially damaged leaf, but if the peacock katydid is threatened is suddenly reveals a pair of bright eye spots and starts jumping excitedly

At a casual glance it looks just like a dead, partially damaged leaf, but if the peacock katydid is threatened is suddenly reveals a pair of bright eye spots and starts jumping excitedly

So.... er... Don't mess with it

So.... er... Don't mess with it

Dragonfly platycypha eliseva have a unique combination of colors which differentiate it from other species; specifically the yellow tipped abdomen and the red and white tibiae

Dragonfly platycypha eliseva have a unique combination of colors which differentiate it from other species; specifically the yellow tipped abdomen and the red and white tibiae

Blattodean are insects are known from a single cave in Guinea's Simandoa Range, discovered in 2002

Blattodean are insects are known from a single cave in Guinea's Simandoa Range, discovered in 2002

The dragonfly platycypha eliseva, discovered in 2004, has a unique combination of colors which differentiate it from other species; specifically the yellow tipped abdomen and the red and white tibiae.

The species was found on three clear sandy streams within 5km of the Congo River.

Two streams were in dense forest and largely shaded, while the other ran along an oil palm plantation and was largely sunny. The species may be localized: despite being conspicuous, it is absent from the substantial collections from surrounding areas.

Dragonflies are good indicators of water quality since they need clean water, aquatic nymphs feed on other insects and aquatic organisms (predators), adults are also predatory and thus help to regulate insect populations including mosquitoes, serve as food for larger animals.

Many dragonfly larvae are voracious predators on mosquito larvae and have been used in human-health programs to control disease-carrying mosquitos

Moving on to fishes, the male paracheilinus nursalim go through an amazing courtship ritual in which "electric" colours are flashed periodically to attract nearby females

The courtship dance takes place every afternoon, beginning about one hour before sundown and continuing until dusk.

The modified mouth and lips allow the fish to feed, breathe, and attach to the substrate through suction.

Parental care is usually well-developed and the male guards the eggs and sometimes the larvae.

Meanwhile the RAP katydid (brachyamytta rapidoaestima) discovered on a survey in Ghana and Guinea.

This newly discovered species is a sit-and-wait predator, hiding on the underside of leaves, and attacking small insects that make the mistake of landing on the leaf.

Males communicate with the females by producing ultrasonic songs that are inaudible to humans. It was named after the RAP program because it was first discovered during a survey in 2002 and it lives in the most threatened habitats of West Africa that the RAP program is trying to save.

The male paracheilinus nursalim goes through an amazing courtship ritual in which

The male paracheilinus nursalim goes through an amazing courtship ritual in which 'electric' colours are flashed periodically to attract nearby females

The RAP katydid newly discovered species is a sit-and-wait predator, hiding on the underside of leaves, and attacking small insects that make the mistake of landing on the leaf

The RAP katydid newly discovered species is a sit-and-wait predator, hiding on the underside of leaves, and attacking small insects that make the mistake of landing on the leaf

The honeyeater was discovered at an altitude of 1,650 m (5,445 feet) above sea level, in the Foja Mountains of Western New Guinea

The honeyeater was discovered at an altitude of 1,650m (5,445 feet) above sea level, in the Foja Mountains of Western New Guinea

A new species called 'smoky honeyeater', discovered in the Foja Mountains of Papua province, Indonesia, on the island of New Guinea in 2005.

The honeyeater was discovered at an altitude of 1,650 m (5,445 feet) above sea level, in the Foja Mountains of Western New Guinea.

This medium-sized, sooty-gray songbird has a short black bill, and each eye is surrounded by an orange-red patch of bare skin, below which hangs a pendant wattle. It is these features that distinguish it from the more widespread Common Smoky Honeyeater.

In addition, the species is exceedingly quiet, rarely giving any vocalizations. The Wattled smoky honeyeater is a common and unwary inhabitant of the Foja uplands. The Honeyeater eats nectar and thus pollinates flowers, it also eats insects and thus helps to regulate their populations, food for larger animals

The 'Pinocchio' frog has a long, protuberance on its nose that points upwards when the male is calling but deflates and points downwards when he is less active

The 'Pinocchio' frog has a long, protuberance on its nose that points upwards when the male is calling but deflates and points downwards when he is less active

This frog (litoria sp. nov.) was also discovered in the Foja Mountains in 2008.

The frog has a long, Pinocchio-like protuberance on its nose that points upwards when the male is calling but deflates and points downwards when he is less active, represents a particularly distinctive find that scientists are interested in documenting and studying further.

Its discovery was a happy accident, after herpetologist Paul Oliver spotted it sitting on a bag of rice in the campsite.

The abundance and diversity of amphibians are indicators of an ecosystem's general health. Amphibians are often referred to as 'the canary in the coal mine.

Amphibians have permeable skin meaning that they all too easily absorb toxins or pollutants to which they are exposed, making them some of the first species to disappear from ecosystems declining in health. Their disappearance can be used as an early warning sign that something bad is happening to a given environment - including environments humans inhabit.

Meanwhile the ET salamander - bolitoglossa - found in Ecuador in 2009.

This genus of salamanders has fully webbed feet which help them climb high into the canopy of tropical forests; they also have no lungs and breathe instead through their skin.

So there you have it - a lot of new species making themselves known to man, just some of the 1,500 new ones out there - and some of the potentially 10million, maybe 50 million species out there in total.

Adab memberi nasihat

SEBAGAI orang yang beriman kepada Allah SWT, kita perlu mengetahui hak-hak saudara kita yang perlu dipenuhi. Hak-hak tersebut telah diakui oleh agama dan sebarang usaha serta tindakan yang dibuat bagi memenuhi hak-hak tersebut diiktiraf sebagai ibadah di sisi Allah SWT.

Antara hak yang perlu dipenuhi oleh orang yang beriman terhadap saudaranya sebagai manifestasi keimanan ialah memberi nasihat apabila diminta.

Ia telah dijelaskan oleh Nabi SAW dalam sebuah hadis yang bermaksud: Hak Muslim terhadap Muslim lainnya ada enam". (Baginda SAW) ditanya: "Apakah hak-hak tersebut wahai Rasulullah?" Jawab Baginda SAW, "Jika kamu bertemu dengannya, ucapkanlah salam padanya, jika dia mengundangmu, hadirilah undangannya, jika dia minta nasihatmu, berilah dia nasihat, jika dia bersin dan bertahmid, maka tasymitkan dia, jika dia sakit, maka kunjungilah dia dan jika dia meninggal dunia, maka ikutilah (jenazah)nya." (riwayat Muslim)

Oleh itu, marilah kita membudayakan amalan memberikan nasihat dan berpesan-pesan ke arah keharmonian hidup beragama.

Namun begitu, sekiranya terdapat di kalangan saudara kita yang memerlukan bimbingan nasihat, maka janganlah terus memberikan nasihat melainkan perlu memahami dan mendalami dahulu permasalahan sebenar yang dihadapinya.

Kefahaman ini penting kerana ia akan membantu kita dalam memberikan tumpuan kepada masalah tersebut sahaja, dan bukannya keluar daripada tajuk sebenar yang akan merumitkan lagi keadaan.

Inilah sikap yang diambil oleh para ulama dalam melakukan ijtihad. Mereka akan cuba memahami permasalahan sebenar dengan merujuk kepada orang yang lebih pakar dalam bidang tersebut dan mementingkan keperluan memahami realiti semasa (qiraatul al-zuruf).

Setelah mempunyai kefahaman yang jelas, maka barulah ijtihad akan dibuat dengan berdasarkan disiplin ilmu yang betul. Justeru, para ulama telah menggagas kaedah yang berbunyi Al-Hukmu 'ala al-Syay' Far' 'an Tasawwurihi (Memberi Hukum kepada Sesuatu Perkara adalah Cabang daripada kefahaman (tasawwur) yang jelas terhadap perkara tersebut).

Orang yang memberikan nasihat juga perlu mengelakkan diri daripada menumpukan kepada masalah yang berlaku. Sekiranya ia dilakukan, banyak masa yang dihabiskan untuk mengungkit-ungkit kesalahan yang telah pun berlaku.

Perlu kita fahami bahawa yang lebih penting dalam memberikan nasihat ialah memberikan cadangan penyelesaian, bukannya memperbesarkan lagi masalah yang berlaku.

Orang yang memberikan nasihat juga perlu bertenang sehingga dirinya dapat berfikir untuk menilai dan memberikan panduan penyelesaian dengan lebih rasional, bukannya berdasarkan perasaan semata-mata.

Elakkan daripada menghina, mencaci dan mengherdik orang yang datang meminta nasihat. Ketahuilah bahawa kedatangannya untuk meminta nasihat adalah langkah pertama yang dibuat untuk bertaubat di atas segala kesalahan yang dilakukan.

Jangan menutup pintu taubat tersebut dengan kita menjatuhkan air mukanya sehingga dia berputus asa untuk berhenti daripada melakukan dosa dan kesalahan. Jadikan sesi memberikan nasihat tersebut sebagai sesi pertukaran buah fikiran yang positif sehingga apabila selesai sesi tersebut, orang yang meminta nasihat akan berpuas hati dan gembira.

Ini sekali gus dapat mencetuskan semangat untuk memulihkan dirinya menuju keinsafan dan yang paling penting ialah menyelesaikan masalah tersebut dengan cara yang penuh bijaksana.

Sekiranya kita memarahi orang yang meminta nasihat, maka bukan sahaja dia semakin jauh dengan kita, bahkan ia akan dapat melunturkan semangatnya untuk terus berjuang.

Mudah-mudahan dengan nasihat yang baik untuk menajamkan keazaman, walaupun seberat mana ujian yang menimpa, tetap digagahi jua bagi meneruskan kehidupan yang lebih berkualiti pada masa akan datang.

Umat Islam dididik oleh agama Islam untuk hidup bermasyarakat. Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan hidup bermasyarakat ialah dengan bergaul dengan mereka mengikut batasan yang dikehendaki agama, saling bantu-membantu dan menyuruh kepada yang makruf serta mencegah daripada kemungkaran, di samping saling memberikan nasihat.

Inilah asam-garam kehidupan seorang mukmin sejati yang tidak hidup untuk dirinya semata-mata, bahkan hidup untuk berbakti kepada orang lain kerana Allah SWT.

Nabi SAW bersabda: "Orang beriman yang bergaul dengan masyarakat dan sabar menanggung gangguannya, lebih baik daripada orang yang tidak bergaul dengan masyarakat dan tidak pula sabar menghadapi gangguannya." (riwayat Ibnu Majah dan Ahmad)

Padah terima habuan seks

SINGAPURA 6 Jun - Bekas Pesuruhjaya Pasukan Pertahanan Awam Singapura (SCDF), hari ini didakwa atas tuduhan menerima habuan seks dalam kes rasuah paling serius melibatkan pegawai kanan kerajaan dalam tempoh hampir 20 tahun.

Peter Lim Sin Pang (gambar), 52, dituduh atas 10 dakwaan melakukan seks dengan tiga wanita antara Mei 2010 hingga November 2011 di pelbagai lokasi antaranya di sebuah bilik hotel di Paris, di beberapa tempat letak kereta di Singapura dan pangsapuri-pangsapuri di Clementi dan Tanjong Rhu.

Dalam satu pertuduhan, beliau didakwa menerima layanan seks oral daripada Pengarah Pusat Radiasi Singapura, Lee Wei Hoon dan Pengurus Besar Nimrod Engineering, Pang Chor Mui.

Sin Pang turut dituduh melakukan hubungan seks sebanyak tujuh kali dengan Pengarah Pembangunan Perniagaan NCS Private Limited, Esther Goh Tok Mui.

Menurut pendakwaan, sebagai habuan, beliau akan menganugerahkan tender kontrak berkaitan teknologi kepada syarikat ketiga-tiga wanita terbabit.

Sin Pang yang telah berkahwin, ditahan Biro Siasatan Amalan Rasuah (CPIB) Januari tahun ini dan dipecat daripada jawatannya pada bulan sama.

Beliau kini dibebaskan dengan ikat jamin sejumlah SG$10,000 (RM24,806) dan akan dihadapkan ke mahkamah semula pada 5 Julai ini.

Pasportnya turut diserahkan kepada CPIB.

Menurut laman web akhbar Straits Times, Sin Pang hadir ke mahkamah berseorangan hari ini, namun laporan tersebut tidak menyatakan sama ada beliau membuat rayuan atau tidak.

Beliau berdepan hukuman sehingga lima tahun penjara dan denda sebanyak SG$100,000 (RM248,068) untuk setiap kesalahan. - REUTERS/AGENSI

Kompany hormati Harimau Malaya

KOMPANY (dua dari kanan) bersama Julian Kam (kanan), Setiausaha Agung FAM, Datuk Azzuddin Ahmad (kiri) dan Pengarah Urusan ProEvents International Sdn. Bhd., San Boon Wah menunjukkan replika tiket perlawanan antara Manchester City dan Malaysia di Wisma FAM semalam.

“SAYA tidak banyak tahu tentang (skuad kebangsaan) Malaysia tetapi bagi saya, lebih baik kita menilai sesebuah pasukan itu selepas perlawanan dan bukan sebelumnya.”

Demikian pendapat kapten Manchester City, Vincent Kompany ketika ditanya mengenai skuad Harimau Malaya menjelang pertemuan persahabatan antara kedua-dua pasukan di Stadium Nasional, Bukit Jalil pada 30 Julai depan.

Menurut Kompany, aksi persahabatan tersebut merupakan sebagai tanda penghargaan juara baharu Liga Perdana England itu terhadap sokongan dan sambutan mesra peminat bola sepak Malaysia terhadap mereka.

“Malaysia sebuah negara yang cantik, peminat bola sepaknya juga penuh dengan keterujaan dan ia sungguh mengejutkan saya.

“Perlawanan persahabatan di Kuala Lumpur itu nanti merupakan antara persiapan kami dalam misi mempertahankan kejuaraan liga dan memenangi trofi-trofi lain musim depan,” jelas Kompany pada sidang akhbar Pelancaran Tiket Perlawanan Manchester City dan Malaysia di Kuala Lumpur semalam.

Kompany menjelaskan bahawa kunjungan sulung skuad kendalian Roberto Mancini itu juga bakal memberi pengalaman berguna buat skuad Harimau Malaya.

“Kunjungan City ke sini (Malaysia) bukan sahaja penting buat kami, malah ia turut menjadi platform terbaik buat pemain-pemain Malaysia untuk menguji kemampuan mereka beraksi dengan pemain kelab Eropah,” tambah pertahanan dari Belgium itu.

Tiket pada aksi persaha- batan itu akan dijual pada harga RM58, RM68 dan RM108, manakala harga bagi tiket VIP pula RM388.

“Meskipun dengan peningkatan kos di seluruh dunia, harga bagi tiket perlawanan itu nanti tidak akan dinaikkan.

“Kami mahu harga tiket ini mampu dibeli oleh semua peminat bola sepak di Malaysia.

“Ini sahaja caranya bagi pihak kami untuk menyajikan satu perlawanan bola sepak daripada sebuah pasukan berkelas dunia kepada peminat di sini,” kata Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif ProEvents International Sdn. Bhd., Julian Kam.

Aksi persahabatan itu akan berlangsung pada pukul 9.45 malam dan tiket perlawanan boleh dibeli mulai hari ini di semua wakil jualan Ticketpro atau menerusi laman web www.ticketpro.com.my.

That takes guts, kayakers drop over waterfalls

Kayakers dice with death as they tackle some of the deadliest waterfalls in the world
Wheeeeee ... kayaker topples off falls
Published: 06th June 2012

THESE kayakers show nerves of steel as they tackle some of the deadliest waterfalls in the world.

The trio have rowed off dozens of frightening falls in Iceland and Norway, and they brought an equally daring photographer along to capture the moments.

Steve Fisher, from South Africa, Ben Brown and Jarred Meehan, both from New Zealand, even conquered Iceland’s notorious torrent Drowning Drop, famous for its high casualty rate.

kayakers dice with death as they tackle some of the deadliest waterfalls in the world
Daring ... kayaker leaps from falls

Amateur photographer Dresre Tate, 34, climbed nearby cliffs to gain the spectacular vantage points of the heart-in-mouth moments.

She said: “There have definitely been some scary moments as a professional photographer following these guys.

“They are athletes and always push the limits so the tension can be high on a shoot.

kayakers dice with death as they tackle some of the deadliest waterfalls in the world
High ... the falls are some of the world's deadliest

“I find it is always best to just concentrate on what I need to do and let them do what they want to do.

“Cascading water is both your friend and enemy — your friend because it is softer than rocks, but your enemy because if you misjudge it you can end up with a broken back or compressed vertebrae.”

kayakers dice with death as they tackle some of the deadliest waterfalls in the world
Scary ... paddler is ready to go over

Adrenaline junkies Fisher, Brown and Meehan navigated vertical drops of up to 65ft unscathed.

One wrong move could have seen them tumble onto jagged rocks.

Dresre added: “”Like anything in life, things can go wrong.

The waterfalls tackled by the trio included — the 65ft Aldeyjarfoss fall, 40ft Godafoss fall, both in Iceland, and Norway’s towering 50ft Fleming Falls.