Buzz-t side ... even the unloved wasp looks pretty in this picture
Caters News Agency
THEY might be one of the world's most hated insects but as these images show even wasps can look good — with the right lighting.
These remarkable pictures show them in a completely different way, revealing a more tranquil and beautiful side.Photographer Irina Kozorog enticed the insects using sweet foods such as raspberries to lure them into her shots.
And the 35-year-old, from Moscow, got stung three times as she waited for the wasps to come for her treats.
The mum of two admitted she did not like wasps before taking the pictures and said: “I usually prefer to photograph ants but this year I decided to try and make friends with the wasps too.
“The wasps are actually much smarter than I thought they were.
“I had to wait up to half an hour each time for one to come over but it was well worth the wait.
“As with all other animals, wasps like you to talk to them. They like a calm voice and don’t like quick movements.
“Their behaviour seemed to depend on the weather. The better the weather, the friendlier the wasps were.
“While I was taking these pictures I was stung three times but it was always my fault. They would never sting without a reason.
“I just kept in mind that I was on their territory and I was a guest there.”